Monday, February 14, 2005

in the bliss of love.

valentines' day comes and goes, and i cannot help but admire, (with great, denied jealousy) the jc couple that sat opposite me in the train.

no, i'm not lonely. nope, she was not the prettiest girl. nope, he was not the best looking guy. no, i don't like the girl. nope, i don't like the guy either.

so what the hell was it?

i just cannot help but see how simple her stalk of sunflower was. i bet it wasn't even from him. i cannot help but see how simple her gifts were. i cannot help but see how happy they were when put beside each other.

at 17 (going 18), trust me, they knew what they were into. old enough to know what love, life and sleeping around is. old enough to do it, but definitely not all are to take its responsibility (la!).

i think they both were aware of their affections, but were simple and in bliss when they showed it.

so innocently chatting about a sketch book she was showing him, so proud of some creations, so proud of her listener.

he was so proud of her just ranting on. smiling, and enjoying the moment, the smile, the hidden laughters.

then, she suddenly closed the book, and covered her face lying on her lap. and he just sat there. not even holding her hand, he sat there touching her fingers in the gentleness like she was his baby.

and he was happy. very happy.

when it came to alighting, she waited till the buzzers went off, before rrushing to the door, taking one last look at him. smiling...

there were no bouquets, no oversized stuffed toys, singing dogs, no silly his-and-her cheezy outfits/bags/whatever, no public display of inappropriate affection, no kisses, no hanky panky.

she just looked at him when the doors were closed as the trained started moving, and i could see joy in his eyes.

just sharing of life, and the small moments in a stressful life that bonds 2 lives together.

i couldn't help but smile to myself, proud of them. for the obvious love they shared; displayed with such pride, maturity, and joy on the short train ride from bishan to admiralty.

so secure of their love they didn't have to show it off. so secure of their self-esteems they didn't need to prove they are desired by the other physically. so secure of their pride, they didn't have to ruin it by running their hands all over each other in the train (public?).

for a moment like this, some people wait a lifetime.


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