An Obituary - A Tribute to My Man

He was at peace and with God, blessed with the company of his family around him; he was not in pain, nor in discomfort.
Grandpa's departure was very peaceful, his Pastor came and prayed with him at 4:10p.m., and he breathed his Amen. After that, he slowly and quietly slowed his breath, holding onto the hand of my uncle, till he breathed his last.
When faced with the shadow of death, my grandpa continued to remain calm, collect and brave. Like how he braved the many trials in his life; and the illness in the later part of his life.
He never failed to show us his bravery while I last saw him last month, in the times where it was painful to walk, he never stopped; the days where he was tired, he tried to remain awake to spend the moment with us.
Through the years of growing up, my Grandpa had be someone that disciplined with love, shared with me his wisdom, gave us a love that we could never comprehend. He doted on us in his special way, cared for us beyond our imagination, but he never imposed on us.
I remember going out one night at 10:30p.m. while he was with us in Singapore. He smiled and just said, enjoy myself. Although it was late and he worried, but he never imposed on us.
When he was in pain, and saw us doing something, he never told us to stop; he could endure to not trouble us.
And its all these that makes saying goodbye harder. Because he showed me beyond what I could see, in all his giving, he showed selflessness, tenacity and above it all, love. Love for God, love for my Grandma, and love for humanity.
I feel a pain and a deep sense of loss that words cannot express, and tears try to find. But I know that Grandpa will not want us troubled over his passing, but instead remember the legacy he left behind.
For a man that received visitors streaming in hourly until visiting hours are over. A man who's children flew in from all over the place to spend time with him. A man who's been loving the same woman for 60 years. A man who selflessly only wanted to protect his wife, his family and his loved one.
He's my Man, my grandpa.
He is survived by my grandmother, 5 children and 13 grandchilden.
I have started to miss him so much already.